2024 PraiseMakers Camp Registration

Please fill out a separate form for each child. (Use the refresh button for more than one registration.) You will fill out a medical release form Monday morning when your child arrives (please allow 5-10 minutes of your time to complete this form Monday morning.) 

Camp is June 24-27, 2024 (Monday - Thursday)  

Please note the times are slightly different from last year’s camp. We will begin at 8:45 am and your child can be picked up at 11:30 am.

Please register and pay by June 17.

After you pay below ($25 per child), please be sure to complete the registration form so that we can order your child’s t-shirt.

PraiseMakers Registration 2024

Please complete the form below

If you have questions, please contact Kristen Dominguez at hominymusic@gmail.com