Sunday Mornings
9:45 a.m. Children’s Choir (ages three —6th grade)
10:00 a.m. Children, Youth, & Adult Bible Study (nursery available)
11:00 a.m. Worship (nursery available)
Wednesday Mornings
10:00 a.m. Coffee Break Bible Study
Wednesday Nights
Week One: Ministry at Transformation Village 5:30 pm
Week Two: Family Fellowship Meal & Activity
Week Three: Church Conference (Jan., Feb., May, June, Aug., Sept.)
Every Week: Sanctuary Choir at 7:30 pm
Schedule subject to change. Please check the newsletter for up to date information.
Link to Ferguson Center Schedule
Weather-Related Closing Policy
Changes to the Sunday worship and Bible study schedule will be posted on WLOS and WLOS.com, and if possible, on the church office voicemail and www.hominybaptist.com. on Calendar page.
Church weekday activities will follow Buncombe County Schools Enka District. If those schools close then church activities will be cancelled that night.
Please note that Hominy Baptist Childcare and DayStay HBC Adult Day Services have separate closing policies. Hominy Baptist Childcare closings will be posted on WLOS and WLOS.com. When Childcare is closed due to weather, DayStay and the FFLC are also closed.
On weekends, if parking lot is not clear, FFLC is closed.