“In The Breaking of Bread” by Maximino Barredo


Won’t You Stay for Supper?

In the next 6 weeks invite at least 2 couples/4 persons to join you for supper.

Try to invite at least one person/couple not in your age group, at least one you don’t know well, at least one not active in church.

If they say they can’t or they are already doing this with another group, then ask if they would like to get together at a later date.

Gather at home or restaurant or park or reserve a room at church.

Enjoy good food and good company

At some point help every person have the opportunity to share about questions like these:

·         What brings you joy these days?

·         What are you hoping for in the next month?

·         What weighs on you most these days?

·         Where have you recently seen or experienced God?

·         How can we pray for each other?

This is about conversation, not taking a survey. If folks are engaged in talking about meaningful things don’t feel like you have to ask all the questions.

If one person is doing all the talking, then ask someone else to share.

There is no need to take notes, our sole purpose is fellowship and conversation that helps us grow as followers of Christ.

Show grace to everyone. Help everyone feel safe to share, or not share, their perspective, beliefs, and stories.