The Western North Carolina Baptist Fellowship churches will meet for their 2017 Fall Gathering on Sunday, November 5, from 4:30 - 7:30 pm at First Baptist Asheville.
The theme this year is God So Loved The World That He Gave. We will join for worship at 4:30, and then will be taught by CBFNCExecutive Director Larry Hovis on the topic of Stewardship,
Discipleship, and Mission: How To Grow Disciples and Grow God's Mission Through Your Church. A meal is provided for $8 (pay at the door) and includes choice of soups, salad, bread, dessert, and drink. We already have a group of Hominy folk planning to go...will you join us? Contact the church office or Kristen and we will register you online. If needed, we will take the coach at 3:30 pm.