Throughout Lent, the Sanctuary and Bennett building will be set up with various prayer stations designed to enhance our journey through this season. The prayer stations do not follow a specific order or path…you can do them in any order, as many as you would like, and you can return to any prayer station throughout Lent as often as you need. If you have not experienced prayer stations before, this is an opportunity for you to try this spiritual practice. Each prayer station will include a scripture and idea to think about, a prayer suggestion, and an activity to experience. You are free to participate in any of the prayer stations at any time during office hours, or prior to Bible Study on Sundays and any time on Wednesday evenings. Everyone is invited to participate and all ages can benefit from the content. Journey of Faith Prayer Stations will be available beginning on Thursday, March 2, after 3 pm, and will continue through Good Friday. There will be a guide and information on the table at the ramp entrance to the Bennett Building. If you need to enter that door during office hours, please call us at 667-4541 so that we can have it unlocked for you. (The glass door at the front of Daystay is open during office hours.)